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Prayer (Pathfinder Honor)

Prayer (Pathfinder Honor)

NAD Honor


This honor is presented to those students who complete the requirements for this course and obtain a solid understanding of the intracacies of prayer.


    1.  As a group or with a friend discuss:
      • What do you think prayer is?
      • Why do you believe prayer is important?
      • Do you think a person can be a Christian and not pray?
    2. Individually or as a group, examine the two versions of the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4) found in the gospels.
      • What are the differences?
      • When might one of the versions be more appropriate than the other in your spiritual life?
      • Why do you think the Lord’s Prayer is important to Christianity? To you?
    3. Locate six prayers in the Bible (at least 2 of Jesus’ and 2 in the Old Testament), then:
      • Read / listen to each prayer
      • Discover who prayed, what they prayed for, and why they prayed.
      • Discover the result of each prayer
    4. Learn the A C T S for prayer and list an example of a prayer of each type in the Bible.
      • A – Adoration (Praise)
      • C – Confession
      • T – Thanksgiving
      • S – Supplication (Requests)
    5. As a group or with a friend, read / listen to and discuss the chapter on Prayer in the book Steps to Christ.
    6. As a group or with a friend, discuss how you have seen God answer personal prayer, whether your prayers or those of a friend or family member.
    7. Develop a personal prayer life by praying daily for a month for:
      • A mission / missionary
      • Person(s) who are ill
      • A church or school leader
      • An issue(s) affecting the neighbors of your community.
      • Share your experience with your group and/or instructor.
    8. ​​​​​​​Pray with someone that has a physical, emotional, or spiritual need.


Monday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Tuesday - Thursday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Friday - Sunday : Closed


6600 Martin Road 
Columbia, MD 21044







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