Communication (Adventurer Award)
Florida Conference Award
This award is presented to those students who complete the requirements for this course and obtain a solid understanding of communications.
What does communication mean? Why is it impor
tant that we communicate? -
Name ways that we can communicate using out
bodies. -
By making faces, let others guess if you are
happy, sad, mad, angry, scared, etc. -
Name some ways of comminication used every
day. Use one of these methods to communicate
wtih someone. -
Know your telephone number and show how to
dial it on a phone. -
What is the emergency number in your area?
When would you use it? -
If you have a problem or something is bothering
you, what should you do? -
Make 2 different devices used for communication
from construction paper, boxes, etc. -
How do we communicate with God? Draw or color
a picture of children praying. -
How does God communicate with us?
Learn a Bible verse that tells about God communi
cating with us.