The Chesapeake Conference has one of the most active Adventurer Ministries in North America. We sponsor two main family events a year and hold trainings for all our staff and parents in September and March. Our local clubs vary in size and culture. We hope you will find one of our clubs that will meet your needs.
We do look forward in meeting you and your family.
God Bless,
Ann Reynolds
Assistant Youth Director
Childrens' Ministries Director
Who We Are
An Adventurer is a child in grades Pre-K through 4. Each Adventurer is a unique and special person. The Adventurer club is a co-ed organization within the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The local Adventurer club comes under the guidance of the local conference, which comes under the umbrella of the Columbia Union. The next level is the North American Division, and the final level within the church is the General Conference. This is the highest organization in the administration of the church’s world-wide work. Who we are is tied to our History, Philosophy, Purpose, and Mission.
The Adventurer program is designed to support parents in assisting children with the challenging task of developing fully as followers of Christ in today’s world. The Adventurer Club provides fun and creative ways for children to develop a Christ-like character and express their love for Jesus in a natural way.
An Adventurer learns: To accept and carry out responsibilities, To be loyal to a group, To conform to good standards, To be cooperative, To play games and sports, To be a good sport, To have socially accepted behavior, To be independent, To compete with others, To live by the club rules and laws, To discover their God-given abilities and how to use them to benefit self and serve others.
Jesus can help me to:
Be obedient
Be pure
Be true
Be kind
Be respectful
Be attentive
Be helpful
Be cheerful
Be thoughtful
Be reverent
Because Jesus loves me I will always do my best.
Adventurer Song
"We Are Adventurers"
The Adventurer club curriculum supports parents and care-givers in leading and encouraging their children in a growing, joyful, love relationship with Jesus Christ.
It offers instructional curriculum, family enrichment, supplementary resources, and volunteering training from within the Adventist philosophy.
It should work to fulfill the gospel commission given in Matthew 28:18-20.
This curriculum covers seven main Adventurer classes:
Little Lambs (4-yr-olds/Preschool)
Eager Beavers (5-yr-olds/Kindergarten)
Busy Bee (1st Grade)
Sun Beam (2nd Grade)
Builder (3rd Grade)
Helping Hand (4th Grade)
Advanced Helping Hand (4th Grade Advanced)
There is also curriculum to cover four Pre-Adventurer classes - Discovery Program:
Curious Cubs (4 years old)
Eager Beaver (5 years old)
Each class follows five basic tracks.
Overview of Tracks
There are five basic tracks through which all Adventurers must complete to meet the requirements to be invested in a class. You can see how the tracks work through all the levels of study on the curriculum at a glance.
I. Basic
This track is to ensure that the children have the background necessary to receive maximum benefit from the Adventurer program.
Responsibility: Commitment to the common goals of the group.
Reinforcement: Introduction and review of the Adventurer concept through reading.
II. My God
Aids in facilitating the development of a growing and fruitful relationship between the child and Jesus Christ
His Plan to Save Me: God’s love, sin and forgiveness, conversion, obedience.
His Message to Me: Memory verses, Bible books, using and trusting the Bible.
His Power in My Life: Prayer, Bible study, witness, living for Christ.
III. My Self
The enhancement of the children’s care and appreciation for the individuals God created them to be.
I Am Special: Uniqueness and value of each person's responsibility for service.
I Can Make Wish Choices: Feelings, values, decision-making, media.
I Can Care for My Body: Health, fitness, anatomy, temperance, hygiene.
IV. My Family
Empower children to be happy and productive members of the families God gave them.
I Have a Family: Uniqueness of families, family changes, roles and responsibilities.
Families Care for Each Other: Authority and respect, appreciation, family activities.
My Family helps Me Care for Myself: Safety, stewardship, indoor skills, outdoor skills.
V. My World
Enable the children to encounter God’s world with confidence and compassion.
The World of Friends: Social skills, courtesy, prejudice, peer pressure.
The World of Other People: Serving the church, community, country, and world.
The World of Nature: God and nature, nature study, nature recreation, concern for the environment.
Chesapeake Conference Class A Uniforms
Light blue shirt, with shoulder epaulets, pockets
Navy pleaded pants
Black dress shoes (polished) with navy socks
Navy honor sash
Black belt
Navy necktie
Burgundy Adventurer scarf with Adventurer slide
For Master Guides: There is Burgandy Color Adventurer Master Guide Scarf with a stripes
Navy beret with Adventurer patch (as per club)
Light blue shirt, with shoulder epaulets, pockets
Navy pleaded jumper for girls and skirt for ladies
Black dress shoes (polished) with navy tights or stockings for ladies
Navy honor sash
Navy necktie
Burgundy Adventurer scarf with Adventurer slide
For Master Guides: There is Burgandy Color Adventurer Master Guide Scarf with a stripes
Navy beret with Adventurer patch (as per club)
Chesapeake Conference Class B Uniform
All Club t-shirt with blue jeans, sneakers, and socks
The Adventurer club must be uniform as a whole.
All patches are required to be in a certain place on the shirt and sash.
Please observe the diagrams below for proper patch placement.